Managing Your Budget As Carefully As We Would Our Own

We take as much care planning your project as we do building it. McDonald York provides a full spectrum of preconstruction services. With our technology services, budget estimation expertise, and value analysis, we deliver accurate data up-front, to allow you to make informed decisions about your build.


Your project is unique, and you want to feel confident about the construction project ahead. No surprises. To get you there, McDonald York practices cost control from the day we are selected as the General Contractor to project closeout. Our preconstruction team works with our operations team and subcontractor partners from conception to construction to ensure an effective and efficient project experience.

How We Help

  • Budget Estimating

    We understand the importance of early estimates. That is why we practice a continuous process of cost control to help you maximize your budget. Our team uses multiple tools and databases, as well as cost advising, to create and maintain an accurate, trackable budget throughout the project.

  • Value Analysis

    Value Analysis is a critical component of our process. Our systematic and proactive approach of evaluating the design of the project maximizes the effect of every project dollar spent. This evaluation eliminates unnecessary costs and provides a renewed value, while maintaining design intent.

  • Constructability Review

    The McDonald York team reviews preconstruction plans for clarity and efficiency to ensure architectural and construction coordination of the final product. This prepares the project for a successful transition to the operations team.

  • Schedule Planning

    Often during preconstruction, a project can stall in design or get hung up with budget constraints. Our schedule planning process helps to prevent or minimize these roadblocks from occurring. Scheduling reviews aid in keeping projects on task.